We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit charity volunteer organization. Patriots and Paws, provide basic home furnishings to any Veteran, ActiveDuty, Reservists, regardless of rank or status giving them hope and dignity.
We pride ourselves in being a “no red tape” charity which allows your $35 preregister/day of event donation to directly benefit our cherished Veterans/Active Duty/Reservists.
Welcome Aboard – Thanks for supporting Patriots and Paws!

- This is a Rain or Shine Event.
- First 300 Entrants will receive a goodie bag.
- Register early, we only have room for 300 Cars, Trucks, Military Vehicles, Vintage Trailers and 100 Motorcycles.
- All Show Cars & Motorcycles must arrive between 6:30 a.m.- 8:45 a.m.
- Open to the public at 9:00 a.m.
- The ceremony starts at 9:30 a.m.-Must stay for entire show
- Parking your car or motorcycle, bring your receipt to Registration Table to receive your window plaque.
- ALL rides are welcome! If you don’t see yours, check the “other” box.
- If your car club comes in together, please let the attendant know how many are in your group.
- Are you bring an attached trailers? If so, then we require another Entry Fee.
- If you are staying at Canyon RV park overnight, please mention you are with the Patriots and Paws Car & Motorcycle Show.

Car Show Registration Form
Waiver of Liability & Photo/Video Release
On behalf of the entire group participation in the ‘Patriots and Paws Hometown Heroes Car and Motorcycle Show’, I assume all risk of bodily injury, property damage, that may occur by participating in this car show that may be suffered by me, my passengers or my property, as a result of participating in this event, including driving to and from such event participation, in the event, parking at or near the event, for myself/ourselves, their heirs, executors, and administrators, to hereby forever waive and release any and all claims against and agree to hold harmless Canyon RV Park, ‘Patriots and Paws ‘Hometown Heroes’ Car & Motorcycle Show’, Patriots and Paws (Non-Profit Organization), its committee, sponsors and volunteers, in the County of Orange, CA, with their respective officers, employees, agents, representatives, volunteers, Sponsors, Vendors, successors, or assigns any kind from any and all claims that may be made for any cause whatsoever, arising as a result of participation.
Further, I hereby consent to allow my picture or likeness to appear in any official document, news release, sponsor advertisement, and/or television and radio coverage of the event within or as part of the ‘Patriots and Paws Hometown Heroes Car & Motorcycle Show’, and grant permission to use and/or publish photographic portraits, pictures, or video, in tape, film, or digital form of me in which I may be included in whole, part, composite or reproductions thereof in black and white and/or color or otherwise made through any media now known for art, advertising, trade or any other similar lawlful purposes, including the publicity and promotion of this event itself, excluding commercial use or by marketing sponsors.
Particpant(s) acknowledge he/she/they have liability insurance as required by the State of California Department of Motor Vehicles CVC16020, Sections a-b. I acknowledge that I am over 18 years of age and have read and understand all of the above